Saturday, August 13, 2011

I was not present for the green screen sections.

I had a conversation with Seishiro and he had a few interesting things to say about the current technical issues. I'll share the main one here.

The fight was shot on a standard definition camera. Unfortunately, despite having an MSRP of something like $2000 back in 2001 or 2002, the camera used for this fight really sucks for the purpose of green screening. The green bleeds into him during editing so he needs to edit by "cutting out" an outline around him, and then edit the remaining green out from himself pixel by pixel. He has to do this for every frame in which he takes a dive or a flip.

As an example, if he has 5 seconds worth of total footage he needs to edit out the green from with the method described above, at 30 frames per second, he needs to edit 150 images. That's a huge pain in the ass. He considered re-taking the shots of himself doing flips and falling down with an HD camera and then reducing the resolution of the footage to match the rest of the movie. He ultimately decided there's less work and physical pain involved if he edits the footage he already has instead.

I'll have a more detailed ramble about the two days we spent filming this fight when the finished movie is available for viewing.