Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Hung Like a Horse

It's good to know you have a sense of humor!
You need it to cope with the afterlife!
Let's try exchanging verbal jabs next!

Do I have to make your mother is so fat jokes?

Nothing of the sort. Let's start with a greeting.
Megamaster! How's it hanging?

Since you asked, I'm hung like a horse!

But Megamaster, my good man! You are much larger than a horse!
That would make your penis proportionately small!

OK, I walked into that one.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

My Little Transformers

Now that you no longer have an insignia, may I interest you in a new one?
My Little Pony repro stickers are in stock!
Which sticker would you like, Bronietron?

Why on Cybertron would I want such an abominable thing on my chest?

Because it will be fun!
Imagine having Marescream, Geldingcracker, and Fillywarp as your minions!

Did you just refer to the Seekers by using female or castrated Earth animals?

Indeed I did!


Monday, May 14, 2018

The Reason He's Called Megamaster

So, Megamaster! What brings you here today?

I don't understand what's going on!
That and why aren't you running in fear of me?

Because we are no longer enemies, my good man!
Haven't you noticed you no longer have your Decepticon insignia on your chest?
That means you're dead! When you die,
you lose all affiliation with any faction you were a part of during life!
That is one of the two possibilities!

What's the other possibility?

You're an unlicensed third party knockoff toy. Take your pick!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Tickle Me Chip

Megamaster, my good man! How are you doing today?

Sunstreaker? Why are you manhandling that human friend of yours?

He's not human! He's a Tickle Me ChipTM life-sized action figure!

Isn't that right, Chip?

Help me...

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Cybertronian Children

Hi, Megatron!

What the..? You and Optimus Prime have CHILDREN?!?

Yup. We're even expecting our third!

Yo' momma's so fat, when she hauls ass, she takes two trips!


What the..? A nightmare?

Hey, Dad! What's with all the screaming?
Were you and Mom "wrestling" again?

Oh, fuck me.