Friday, January 7, 2011

Jenn vs. Vlad (incomplete)

This was the earliest fight I shot for my original intended story. This was filmed in February of 2006. After that, it was all downhill.

The movie not getting finished is 99.9999% my fault. The remaining 0.0001% was beyond my control. However, I *could have* prevented the 0.0001% from having any influence at all. On the day we filmed this, I wanted to run some errands before the sun set so I wrapped up filming a bit too early. What I should have done was to keep filming until the sun set, and then run those errands later. Since I didn't do that, this fight scene is incomplete and that also started my downfall toward never finishing the movie itself.

I originally planned to complete filming this the week after but both Jenn and Vlad had plans. Fine. We scheduled filming for two weeks later. It rained on that day. Week after week, something came up and that resulted in me not being able to get anything done. Something beyond my control *always* came up, and I could have prevented that had I made sure to finish everything on just one filming session.

"Vlad" is Vlad Rimburg. He's also a filmmaker and I used to host his movies when I still had a web site. He's *probably* best known for his work with The Stunt People.

I should talk about the fight scene's content.

In my original script, Jenn's character is a young widow. She married young and her husband died soon after their wedding. The circumstances of her husband's death were out of the ordinary and she recently acquired some clues for finding the real story. The fighter played by Vlad says he was the one who killed the hudband. This is the reason she becomes enranged. You don't find out *WHY* she became so angry just by looking at the video. As usual, I removed all dialogue from the uploaded fight scene.

After exchanging some blows and then getting hit in the face, Vlad's character turns his back toward Jenn's character. What comes after that is the part I never got to film. I planned and drew out on paper all kinds of crazy choreography which would have made Vlad fight with his back turned the bulk of the time.

For those of you who have played 3D fighting games, you know where this is going. In 3D fighting games, some characters' most powerful attacks come from having your back turned toward the opponent. I planned on having Vlad fight the same way while Jenn's character tried to find a way to counteract such a crazy technique.

While I never got to film the "Vlad-has-his-back-turned" fight, a small portion of the "turn one's back toward the opponent" technique was used by Seishiro's character in my previous video upload.

I'll definitely upload the outtakes reel next.

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