Friday, January 28, 2011

Romancing Clannad

If you're checking up on this blog despite me not having uploaded anything to Youtube after the outtakes video, then thank you. :) You get to read something new.

During Halloween of last year, Japan time, a "fan" computer game production group known as Chinchilla Softhouse put an "ad" on its web site asking for voice talent help. The game was Romancing Clannad, a role-playing game inspired by the 16-bit Romancing Saga game(s) starring the cast of Clannad (and Kanon). The "pay" would be a copy of the game once it's completed. I said what the hell and gave it a try. I sent in my audition audio samples, waited a week, and then was offered the part of the butler. Naturally, I accepted. Odds are very good I'm also the only voice cast member who doesn't reside in Japan.

I'm actually listed in the cast list here but you'll need to know how to read Japanese. While my full name isn't written in the cast list, my real first name is.

"Butler" is: 執事
My real first name is written: ルカン

If you don't have Japanese encoding on your computer, then they will come out as garbage text.

After I sent my "for real" performance audio files to Chinchilla, I was asked for my mailing address. I replied to that message and waited another few months. The game was released December 31, 2010 Japan time.

Guess what arrived in the mail today? :D

From Kyoto.

This is the thank you note for participating in the game. :)

The front cover.

...and the back.

YAY!! :D

Interestingly, I've done more voice acting work in Japanese than I have in English. My last stint as a voice actor was for the Sony Crackle commercial.

1 comment:

  1. I so want this game! Too bad they're sold out... there's no other place to get them!!!
